Article on “Pegasus”

Melanie Bush, Hamid Khan and Ken Montenegro and I (all May First leaders), have written a piece on the Pegasus nightmare surveillance software for the on-line journal Radical Ecological Democracy called We Thought It Was Fiction. And I recommend a read. 🙂 Love working with those folks…some of my faves.

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Elizabeth Holmes and the unread memo

There’s a fascinating trial taking place now the Silicon Valley town of San Jose involving a super-star tech entrepreneur named Elizabeth Holmes. If you are familiar with the case, it could well be because of her looks, personality, background and reflectiveness of…well…the way we view women in this society. The story’s pretty simple. Holmes was… Continue reading Elizabeth Holmes and the unread memo

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The Cuomo Saga

Today is the day that Andrew Cuomo finally admitted what every else was saying: he can’t govern New York State anymore. The long and vomit-inducing list of gropes, creepy comments and sexualized one-way behavior that was a part, albeit a significant one, of the intimidation and abuse that was Cuomo’s universe, has brought him down.… Continue reading The Cuomo Saga

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Considering Race

The explosive coverage of the killing in Atlanta, Georgia of several help workers who were Asian has underscored some ugly truths about this society while giving us the opportunity to explore the “lateral racism” used to divide and more deeply oppress us. Part of the problem is talking about all this is that we don’t… Continue reading Considering Race

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Biden and What now?

At the latest Need to Know, a wide-ranging conversation with as many opinions as voices did seem to gravitate toward one idea: we have a tricky but potentially productive situation facing our movement. On the one hand, we need to combat the clear threat of fascism. Need proof it’s imminent and very threatening: Jam. 6,… Continue reading Biden and What now?

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